7 Experiences – Aalto Experience Mapping experience research workshop

Information about the workshop
September 1st (Tuesday) at 17:40-18:40 EEST in Zoom: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62519523266 and
September 2nd (Wednesday) at 17:10-18:10 EEST in Zoom: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62519523266
The overall goal of the workshops is to advance experience research by sharing the knowledge between experience researchers from different disciplines. The workshops are not designed to be training sessions, but after a short introduction, we will jointly identify and discuss the workshop topics that unite experience researchers across domains and disciplines. Since we want to develop experience research, the discussions will be mostly academic. We cannot guarantee the most immediately pertinent experience for practitioner participants. However, the perspectives of practitioners are invaluable, and we warmly welcome active practitioner engagement. We hope the workshops may provide opportunities for participants to identify potential collaborators and initiate new projects.

To make full use of the 1-hour workshop, we take the following actions:

    • We will collect participants’ perspectives on the workshop topics through a preparatory activity, and discuss the emerged key themes in the workshop.
    • The workshop discussions focus on topics important for the experience research in general. Unfortunately, we will not have time to discuss and advise specific projects during the short workshop, but we would love to hear about your projects at a later point.
    • We encourage short statements from the participants and will have to brutally stop lengthy or out-of-scope statements.
    • We record the workshop, analyze the discussion and compile a report. We also plan to share a short summary video online.

Workshop material

Pre-task results
Map of experience research fields – do you find yours?

Workshop participants
Tuesday 1.9.2020 (Zoom: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62519523266)
Ravinder Arora Department of Tourism Studies, School of Management, Pondicherry University India
Johanna Bragge Aalto University School of Business Finland
Antonella Carù Bocconi University Italy
Erdogan Ekiz School of Hospitality Business and Management, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University Morocco
Sanika Inamdar Architect India
Noor Fajrina Farah Istiani Netherlands
Elina Järvinen University of Turku Finland
Nina Karisalmi Aalto University Finland
Cindy Lee Torrens University Australia Australia
Clémence Montagne L’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique France
Hakimeh Nasiri Phd Candidate in Polyu SHTM Hong Kong
Farisha Nisha Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong
Wednesday 2.9.2020 (Zoom: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/62519523266)
Michela Addis Università degli Studi Roma 3 Italy
Kaisa Aro Turku school of economics, University of Turku Finland
Valeria Azovskaya Materials Platform Aalto University Finland
Marcel Bastiaansen Breda University of Applied Sciences The Netherlands
Finley Cotrone University of Nevada Las Vegas United States
Anu Helkkula Hanken School of Economics Finland
Katharina Husemann Royal Holloway, University of London United Kingdom
Ondrej Mitas Breda University of Applied Sciences Experience Research and Design The Netherlands
Jaana Okulov doctoral student Finland
Eero Tiainen Aalto University Finland
Jarkko Toikkanen University of Oulu Finland
Juriaan van Waalwijk Breda University of Applied sciences The Netherlands
Natalia Vladykina Doctoral candidate Finland

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