Virpi Roto

My mission is to make user experience work more systematic by clarifying the concept of user experience and providing means for evaluating and designing for experiences. This site ( shows some important outcomes from these activities. During my 15-year career in Nokia Research Center I learned a lot about the move from usability tests to user experience evaluation, about product development processes in a corporate setting, and about the differences between industrial and academic research. And yes, about the user experience of Web browsing on mobile phones, my PhD topic. My current interests in Aalto University are in experience design, i.e., how to design for meaningful, enjoyable experiences that improve wellbeing. This research is mostly around interactive technologies in work contexts, which is increasingly important when artificial intelligence pervades workplaces. I hope this page serves you and provides the information you are looking for.

Contact You only need one address to reach me: virpi at allaboutux dot com Due to my rare name, you can easily find me at LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter as well.

Current position Professor of Practice (Experience Design) 1.1.2018 – Chair of Aalto Experience Platform 1.8.2017- Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Design Lead of Ethical, Acceptable and Desirable Autonomous Systems research task force of the Research Alliance of Autonomous Systems

Past positions Visiting teacher @ National University of Singapore 1.9.-21.11.2018 Research group lead, Engaging Co-design Research Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Design 1.8.2017 – 31.7.2018 Research Fellow Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Design 1.4.2015 – 31.12.2017 Post-doctoral researcher Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Design 1.1.2014 – 31.3.2015 Acting Professor Research Team Leader, Engaging Co-design Research Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Design 1.1. – 31.12.2013 Post-doctoral researcher Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Design 1.4.2011 – 31.12.2012 University researcher University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science Software Factory 1.10.2010 – 31.12.2011 Nokia Research Center, Helsinki, Finland 15.7.1995 – 30.9.2010 Latest position as Principal Scientist, User experience

Visits Visiting teacher @ National University of Singapore Host: Jung-Joo Lee, Division of Industrial Design 1.9.-21.11.2018 Visiting Researcher @ Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal Host: Evangelos Karapanos 11.3.-21.3.2013 Visiting Researcher @ Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Host: Arnold Vermeeren, Department of Industrial Design 13.-30.6.2011 Visiting Researcher @ Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland Host: Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, Human-Centred Technology unit 1.3.2009 – 28.2.2010 Grant from the Academy of Finland

Degrees Doctor of Philosophy: Helsinki University of Technology 2006, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Usability Research (major), Cognitive Technology (minor). Overall grade: Pass with distinction. Doctoral Thesis: Web browsing on mobile phones – Characteristics of user experience Helsinki University of Technology (current Aalto University), 2006 Master of Science: University of Helsinki 1993, Computer Science (Mathematics and Social psychology as minors) Overall grade: Laudatur. Master’s thesis: Applicability of Task Analysis Methods in Designing a User Interface.

Publications Articles in refereed scientific journals and full papers in refereed conference proceedings

Short papers etc. in refereed scientific publications

  • Palanque, P., Campos, P. F., Nocera, J. A., Clemmensen, T., & Roto, V.: User Experience in an Automated World. In IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 706-710). Springer, Cham. (2019)
  • Bhutkar, G., Roto, V., Clemmensen, T., Barricelli, B. R., Abdelnour-Nocera, J., Meschtscherjakov, A., Guerra Lopes, A., Campos, P. & Gonçalves, F.: User Experiences and Wellbeing at Work. In IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 754-758). Springer, Cham. (2019)
  • Lyckvi, S., Wu, Y., Huusko, M., & Roto, V. Eagons, exoskeletons and ecologies: on expressing and embodying fictions as workshop tasks. In Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 754-770). ACM (2018)
  • Roto, V., Lee J-J., Zimmerman, J., Mattelmäki, T.: Experience Design Meets Service Design – Method Clash or Marriage? Extended Abstracts of CHI’18, Montreal, Canada. (2018)
  • Roto, V.: Commentary: Actionable Constructs for Practitioners. Human Computer Interaction 33(2):198-200. (2018)
  • Roto, V., Heikkilä, M.: Design for Value in a Digital Supply Chain Ecosystem. Workshop Proceedings on New Value Transactions – Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organisations, in conjunction with DIS’17, Edinburgh, UK. (2017)
  • Roto, V., Joutsela, M., Nuutinen, M.: Brand Experience Goals Guiding the Design of Multiple Touchpoints. Workshop Proceedings on Experience Design of Multiple Customer Touchpoints, in conjunction with NordiCHI’16, Gothenburg, Sweden. (2016)
  • Roto, V., Nuutinen, M., Kaasinen, E., Seppänen, M.: UX Expeditions in Business-to-Business Heavy Industry – Lessons Learned. Extended Abstracts of CHI’16, San Jose, CA, USA. (2016)
  • Roto, V., Lu, Y., Nieminen, H., Tutal, E.: Designing for User and Brand Experience via Company-wide Experience Goals. Extended Abstracts of CHI’15, Seoul, South Korea. (2015)
  • Roto, V.: Ecological UX Studies. In CHI’15 workshop Ecological Perspectives in HCI: Promise, Problems, and Potential. Seoul, South Korea. (2015)
  • Law, E., Hassenzahl, M., Karapanos, E., Obrist, M., Roto, V.: Tracing Links between UX Frameworks and Design Practices: Dual Carriageway. Proc. SIGCHI Premier Sessions in HCI Korea 2015. Seoul, South-Korea. (2014)
  • Roto, V.,  Kim, T.Y., Markgren, H., Rebelo, C., Sundeson, K., Lindborg, I.: Trusted to Deliver Excellence – Trust Design in All Touchpoints. In Proceedings of workshop A Turn for the Worse: Trustbusters for User Interfaces, in conjunction with SOUPS’13 conference. July 24, 2013, Newcastle, UK. (2013)
  • Rantavuo, H., Roto, V.: Heuristic Evaluation of User Experience – Case Nokia. Made for Sharing: HCI Stories of Transfer, Triumph and Tragedy. Workshop paper @ CHI’13, Paris, France. (2013)
  • Abramov, V., Roto, V.: Accounting for Intermediate Parties in Experience-driven Product Design for Business-to-Business Environment. Proc. Human Work Interaction Design (HWID) working conference. 5.-6. December, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark. (2012)
  • Roto, V., Uibo, E., Vienamo, T.: Experience Design for Forklift E-learning Tool. Proc. Workshop on How to Utilize User Experience Goals in Design, pp. 27-31. In NordiCHI’12, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 15th, 2012. Workshop proceedings (2012)
  • Obrist, M., Roto, V., Vermeeren, A., Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, K., Law, E., Kuutti, K.: In Search of Theoretical Foundations for UX Research and Practice. A Work-in-Progress paper in Extended Abstracts of CHI’12, Austin, TX, USA. (2012)
  • Roto, V., Kujala, S.: Studying six months in two hours. Workshop on Theories, methods and case studies of longitudinal HCI research, in conjunction with CHI 2012, Austin, TX, USA. (2012)
  • Hyvärinen, J., Teräs, S., Vaajakallio, K., Fräki, J., Roto, V.: Enhancing the transparency of the local and organic food supply chain. Workshop on Food and Interaction Design, in conjunction with CHI 2012, Austin, TX, USA. (2012)
  • Roto, V., Väätäjä, H., Jumisko-Pyykkö, S., Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, K.: Best Practices for Capturing Context in User Experience Studies in the Wild. Proc. 15th Academic MindTrek conference. Tampere, Finland. (2011)
  • Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, K., Kaasinen Eija, Roto, V.: User Experience in the Cloud: Towards a Research Agenda. CHI’11 workshop on Designing Interaction for the Cloud. May 7, 2011. Vancouver, Canada. (2011)
  • Roto, V., Law, E., Vermeeren, A., Hoonhout, J. (eds.): User Experience White Paper – Bringing clarity to the concept of user experience. Outcome of the Dagstuhl Seminar 10373 on Demarcating User Experience, Germany. (2011)
  • Väätäjä, H., Roto, V.: Mobile Questionnaires for User Experience Evaluation. CHI 2010, Work-In-Progress track. Atlanta, USA. (2010)
  • Roto, V., Väätäjä, H.: Utilizing Contextual Data in Mobile Applications Development. CHI’10 workshop on Bridging the Gap: Moving from Contextual Analysis to Design. April 10, 2010. Atlanta, USA. (2010)
  • Roto, V. Obrist, M., Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, K.: User Experience Evaluation Methods in Academic and Industrial Contexts. In workshop on User Expererience Evaluation Methods, in conjunction with Interact’09 conference, August 24-28, Uppsala, Sweden. (2009)
  • Väätäjä, H., Roto, V.: Questionnaires in User Experience Evaluation. In workshop on User Expererience Evaluation Methods, in conjunction with Interact’09 conference, August 24-28, Uppsala, Sweden. (2009)
  • Roto, V.: Temporal and Granular Nature of User Experience. Nordic Conference on Experience 2008, Vaasa, Finland. (2008)
  • Roto, V., Rautava, M.: User Experience Elements and Brand Promise. International Engagability & Design Conference (Idec4), in conjunction with NordiCHI’08 conference. Lund, Sweden (2008)
  • Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, K., Roto, V., Hassenzahl, M.: Towards Practical User Experience Evaluation Methods. Proc. 5th COST294-MAUSE Open Workshop on Valid Useful User Experience Measurement (VUUM). Reykjavik, Island (2008)
  • Ketola, P., Roto, V.: Exploring User Experience Measurement Needs. Proc. 5th COST294-MAUSE Open Workshop on Valid Useful User Experience Measurement (VUUM). Reykjavik, Island (2008)
  • Roto, V., Ketola, P., Huotari, S.: User Experience Evaluation in Nokia. Proc. Now Let’s Do It in Practice – User Experience Evaluation Methods in Product Development workshop in CHI’08, Florence, Italy. (2008)
  • Hassenzahl, M., Roto, V.: Being and Doing – A perspective on user experience and its measurement. Interfaces Magazine 72, British HCI Group. (2007)
  • Roto, V.: User Experience from Product Creation Perspective. Proc. Towards a UX Manifesto workshop, in conjunction with HCI 2007, Lancaster, UK. (2007)
  • Kostiainen, K., Rantapuska, O., Moloney, S., Roto, V., Holmström, U., Karvonen, K.: Usable Access Control Inside Home Networks. Proc. The Third IEEE International Workshop on Trust, Security, and Privacy for Ubiquitous Computing, Helsinki, Finland. (2007) (Long version of the paper as a technical report)
  • Grassel, G., Roto, V.: Comparing Mobile Internet User Behaviours in Beijing. W3C workshop on Mobile Internet in Developing Countries. (2006)
  • Roto, V.: User Experience Building Blocks. COST294-MAUSE Workshop on User Experience – Towards a Unified View. In conjunction with NordiCHI’06 conference. (2006)
  • Roto, V., Geisler, R., Kaikkonen, A., Popescu, A., Vartiainen, E.: Data Traffic Costs and Mobile Browsing User Experience. MobEA IV workshop on Empowering the Mobile Web, in conjunction with WWW2006 conference. (2006)
  • Roto, V., Laakso, K.: Mobile Guides for Locating Network Hotspots. Workshop on HCI in Mobile Guides. (2005)
  • Roto, V.: Browsing on Mobile Phones. MobEA III workshop on Customer Focused Mobile Services, in conjunction with WWW2005 conference. Chiba, Japan. (2005)
  • Roto, V., Oulasvirta, A., Haikarainen, T., Kuorelahti, J., Lehmuskallio, H., Nyyssönen, T.: Examining Mobile Phone Use in the Wild with Quasi-Experimentation. HIIT Technical reports (2004)
  • Kaikkonen, A., Roto, V.: XHTML in Mobile Application Development. In Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices. Short paper in Proceedings of Mobile HCI 2002 pp. 344-348 (2002).

Edited books and Book chapters

Invited talks and panels

  • Keynote speaker @ Technology Ethics Seminar, 23.10.2019: “What kind of AI should we design”. Turku, Finland.
  • Invited talk @ Elisa, 9.1.2019: “User Experience Goals”. Helsinki, Finland.
  • Talk @ IxDA Helsinki, 14.6.2018: “Designing Interactions or Services?”. Espoo, Finland.
  • Keynote speaker @ UX Camp Nordic, 2.6.2018: “The Myths of UX Design”. Espoo, Finland.
  • Invited talk @ Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, 7.12.2016: “Towards Distinctive User Experiences”. Madeira, Portugal.
  • Keynote speaker @ INTERACT 2015, 18.9.2015: “Towards Distinctive User Experiences“. Bamberg, Germany.
  • Invited talk @ Design Club Työpäivä, 17.11.2014: “Brändikokemus” (“Brand Experience”). Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Invited talk @ World Usability Day, 13.11.2014: “From Usability to User Experience”. Oulu, Finland.
  • Invited talk @ Tulevaisuuden Apteekki, 21.1.2014: “Palvelumuotoilulla kohti uudistunutta apteekkia – mitä asiakkaat arvostavat nykypäivän apteekkipalvelussa?”. Jaana Hyvärinen & Virpi Roto, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Invited talk @User Experience Conference, 14.11.2013: “User experience as a driver of success”. Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Guest lecture @ University of Oslo, 11.11.2013: “User Experience: Why, What, How?”. Oslo, Norway.
  • Invited talk @ Usability and User Experience Day at Haaga Helia 2013: “From Usability to User Experience”. Helsinki, Finland.
  • Talk @ Alihankintamessut 2013: “Käyttäjäkokemus menestystekijänä”. Tampere, Finland.
  • Talk @ Manufacturing Performance Days 2013: “FIMECC UXUS Program – User Experience as a Driver of Success”. Maaria Nuutinen, Virpi Roto, Harri Nieminen, Tampere Hall, Tampere, Finland.
  • Invited talk @ UX SIG event by SIGCHI Finland 2013: “Towards the 4th Wave of HCI”. Oulu, Finland.
  • Guest lecture @ University of Helsinki, 6.2.2013: “User Experience: Why, What, How?”
  • Invited talk @ Käytettävyys ja käyttäjäkokemus 2012: “Käyttäjäkokemus menestystekijänä”. Helsinki, Finland.
  • Keynote speaker @ Estonian World Usability Day 2011: “User experience in industry and academia – Two different planets?” Tallinn, Estonia.
  • Keynote speaker @ CHI Sparks conference 2011: “User experience in industry and academia – Two different planets?” Arnhem, The Netherlands.
  • Panelist in “Designing for User Experience: Academia & Industry” panel @ CHI 2011. Vancouver, Canada. Panelists: Elizabeth Buie (Luminanze Consulting, USA), Jettie Hoonhout (Philips Research, The Netherlands), Kristina Höök (Mobile Life Center, Sweden), Virpi Roto (University of Helsinki, Finland), Scott Jenson (Google, USA), Peter Wright (Newcastle University, UK)
  • Keynote speaker @ conference 2010: “Setting User Experience Targets to Improve Your Competitive Advantage”. Brussels, Belgium.
  • Keynote speaker @ SAICSIT 2010 conference: “User Experience Design – Enabling Enjoyment”. Bela Bela, South Africa.
  • Invited industry talk @ INTERACT 2009 conference: “User Experience – From Business to Research and Practice”. Uppsala, Sweden.
  • Invited talk @ Swansea University, Departmental Colloguium, October 2009: Improving Mobile Internet User Experience.
  • Panelist in “User experience as a business factor” panel @ ECCE conference 2009. Espoo, Finland.Panelists: Virpi Roto (Nokia), Hannu Paunonen (Metso Automation), Anne Stenros (Kone), Kaarle Mänty (Desigence)
  • Keynote speaker @ Persuasive Technology 2008 conference: “User Experiences, Attitudes, and Behavior – Case Mobile Internet”. Oulu, Finland.
  • Keynote speaker @ ACM SIGCHI Finland Autumn Seminar 2008: “User Experience, from Business to Theory”. Helsinki, Finland.
  • Keynote speaker @ Exploring User Experience & User Generated Content Seminar 2008: Impact of User Experience Research on Product Development. University of Salzburg, Austria.

Chairing conferences, conference tracks, workshops, tutorials, panels, SIG sessions, seminars

  • Workshops chair @ Nordes 2019 Chairs: Virpi Roto (Aalto University), Sune Klok Gudiksen & Karen Marie Hasling (Design School Kolding), Heidi Pietarinen (University of Lapland)
  • General chair @ Human-Work Interaction Design working conference 2018 Chairs: Virpi Roto (Aalto University), Pedro Campos (University of Madeira)
  • General chair @ NordiCHI conference 2014 Chairs: Virpi Roto (Aalto University), Jonna Häkkilä (University of Oulu)
  • Workshops chair @ Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI) conference 2014 Chairs: Paolo Cremonesi (Politecnico di Milano), Virpi Roto (Aalto University)
  • UX community chair @ CHI conference 2013 Chairs: Virpi Roto (Aalto University), Arnie Lund (GE Global Research)
  • Conference chair @ Eyes on User Experience conference 2009 Chairs: Marc Hassenzahl (Folkwang University of Arts), Virpi Roto (Nokia)
  • Industrial programme chair @ INTERACT 2011 Chairs: Stacy Hobson (IBM), Virpi Roto (University of Helsinki),Oscar Pastor (Valencia University of Technology), Antonio Câmara (Portugal), Miguel Dias (Portugal)
  • Industrial case studies chair @ MobileHCI 2011 Chairs: Virpi Roto (University of Helsinki), Tim Paek (Microsoft Research)
  • Industrial case studies chair @ MobileHCI 2010 Chairs: Virpi Roto (Nokia), Manuel Sequeira (Zon)
  • Chair of Dagstuhl seminar on Demarcating User Experience, 9/2010, Germany Chairs: Virpi Roto (Nokia), Effie Law (University of Leicester), Arnold Vermeeren (Technical University of Delft), Jettie Hoonhout (Philips Research)
  • Tutorial on Experience Goal-Driven Design for Meaningful Experiences at Work @ NordiCHI 2018 Instructors: Yichen Lu (Aalto University), Virpi Roto (Aalto University)
  • Course on User Experience Evaluation Methods – Which method to choose @ CHI 2013 Instructors: Virpi Roto (Aalto University), Arnold Vermeeren (Delft University of Technology), Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila (Tampere University of Technology), Effie Law (University of Leicester), Marianna Obrist (Newcastle University)
  • Course on User Experience Evaluation – Which method to choose @ CHI 2012 Instructors: Virpi Roto (Aalto University), Arnold Vermeeren (Delft University of Technology), Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila (Tampere University of Technology), Effie Law (University of Leicester), Marianna Obrist (Newcastle University)
  • Tutorial on User Experience Evaluation – Which method to choose @ INTERACT 2011 Instructors: Virpi Roto (University of Helsinki), Arnold Vermeeren (Delft University of Technology), Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila (Tampere University of Technology), Effie Law (University of Leicester)
  • Tutorial on User Experience Evaluation – Which method to choose @ NordiCHI 2010 Instructors: Virpi Roto (Nokia), Effie Law (University of Leicester), Arnold Vermeeren (Delft University of Technology), Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila (Tampere University of Technology)
  • Tutorial on User Experience Evaluation – Methods to Reveal How Users Feel about Your Design @ SAICSIT 2010 Instructors: Virpi Roto (Nokia)
  • Tutorial on User Experience Evaluation Methods (Käyttäjäkokemuksen arviointimenetelmät) @ SIGCHI Finland autumn seminar 2010. Instructors: Virpi Roto (University of Helsinki)
  • Workshop on User Experiences and Wellbeing at Work (UX@Work) @ INTERACT 2019
  • Workshop on Service Design Meets Experience Design – Clash or Marriage? @ Nordes 2019
  • Workshop on Bridging Brand Strategy and Service Experience Design via a Relationship Metaphor @ DRS 2018 Chairs: Mauricy Motta Filho (University of Twente), Ksenija Kuzmina (Loughborough University London), Virpi Roto (Aalto University), Dominika Noworolska (Gemic Oy)
  • Workshop on Experience Design Meets Service Design – Method Clash or Marriage? @ CHI 2018 Chairs: Virpi Roto (Aalto University), Jung-Joo Lee (National University of Singapore), John Zimmerman (Carnegie Mellon University), Tuuli Mattelmäki (Aalto University)
  • Workshop on Experience Design for Multiple Customer Touchpoints  @ NordiCHI 2016 Chairs: Virpi Roto (Aalto University), Heli Väätäjä (Tampere University of Technology), Effie Law (University of Leicester), Rachel Powers (Tata Consultancy Services)
  • Workshop on How to Utilize User Experience Goals in Design? @ NordiCHI 2012 Chairs: Heli Väätäjä (Tampere University of Technology), Thomas Olsson (Tampere University of Technology), Paula Savioja (VTT Technical Research Center of Finland), Virpi Roto (Aalto University)
  • Workshop on Theories behind UX Research and How They Are Used in Practice @ CHI 2012 Chairs: Marianna Obrist (Newcastle University), Virpi Roto (Aalto University), Effie Law (University of Leicester), Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila (Tampere University of Technology), Arnold Vermeeren (Delft University of Technology), Kari Kuutti (University of Oulu), Elizabeth Buie (Luminanze Consulting)
  • Workshop on Experiential Evaluation Methods @ DPPI 2009 Chairs: Virpi Roto (Nokia), Jettie Hoonhout (Philips Research)
  • Workshop on User Experience Evaluation Methods @ Interact 2009 Chairs: Virpi Roto (Nokia), Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila (Tampere University of Technology), Effie Law (University of Leicester), Arnold Vermeeren (Delft University of Technology)
  • Workshop on User Experience Evaluation Methods in Product Development @ CHI 2008 Chairs: Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila (TUT), Virpi Roto (Nokia), Marc Hassenzahl (University of Koblenz-Landau)
  • Workshop on Mobile Internet User Experience @ MobileHCI 2008 Chairs: Virpi Roto (Nokia), Eija Kaasinen (VTT)
  • Workshop on Mobile Internet User Experience @ MobileHCI 2007 Chairs: Virpi Roto (Nokia), Eija Kaasinen (VTT)
  • Panel on User Experience in an Automated World @ INTERACT 2019 Panelists: Philippe Palanque, Frederica Gonçalves, José Abdelnour Nocera, Torkil Clemmensen, Virpi Roto
  • Panel on Demarcating User Experience @ Interact 2009 Panel chair: Virpi Roto (Nokia), Panelists: Nigel Bevan, Jettie Hoonhout, Kristina Höök, Ilpo Koskinen, Gitte Lindgaard
  • SIG session on On Top of the User Experience Wave – How is Our Work Changing? @ CHI 2013 Chairs: Virpi Roto (Aalto University), Arnie Lund (GE Global Research)
  • SIG session on UX Research: What Theoretical Roots Do We Build On – If Any? @ CHI 2011 Chairs: Marianna Obrist (University of Salzburg), Effie Law (University of Leicester), Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila (Tampere University of Technology), Virpi Roto (University of Helsinki), Arnold Vermeeren (Technical University of Delft), Kari Kuutti (University of Oulu)
  • SIG session on User Experience Evaluation – Do you know which method to use? @ CHI 2009 Chairs: Marianna Obrist (University of Salzburg), Virpi Roto (Nokia), Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila (Tampere University of Technology)
  • SIG session on Towards a Shared Definition of User Experience @ CHI 2008 Chairs: Effie Law (University of Leicester), Virpi Roto (Nokia), Arnold Vermeeren (Technical University of Delft), Joke Kort (TNO), Marc Hassenzahl (University of Koblenz-Landau)

Expert assignments

  • Long Papers Chair at the 31st Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (OzCHI’19). Chairs: Ryan Kelly (Melbourne University), Virpi Roto (Aalto University), Mark Reynolds (University of West Australia), Ingrid Richardson (Murdoch University).
  • Member of Editorial board of Springer journal Quality and User Experience 2016-
  • Guest editor of Designing Interactive Systems for Work Engagement special issue of Human Technology Vol. 14, Issue 2, August 2018. Guest editors: Virpi Roto (Aalto University), Torkil Clemmensen (Copenhagen Business School), Heli Väätäjä (Tampere University of Technology), Effie Law (University of Leicester).
  • Guest editor of Mobile Internet User Experience special issue of the International Journal of MobileHCI, Vol. 1, Issue 4, October 2009. Guest editors: Virpi Roto (Nokia), Eija Kaasinen (VTT) 2009.
  • Finnish representative and the vice chair for treasures of IFIP TC13, Human-Computer Interaction 2015-
  • Finnish representative in the steering committee of NordiCHI conference series
  • Lead of the Ethical, Acceptability, and Desirability research task force of Research Alliance for Autonomous Systems 2018 –
  • Lead of the Desirable Ecosystem work package in Design for Value research program
  • Co-organizer of numerous SIGCHI Finland seminars 2009-2015

Reviewing theses and scientific publications

  • Opponent of PhD candidate Ingrid Pettersson. Eliciting User Experience Information in Early Design Phases – The CARE Approach to In-Vehicle UX. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden (2018).
  • Phd Assessment Committee member for Tina Øvad, Aalborg University, Denmark (2016).
  • Phd Examination Committee member for Charlott Lorentzen. Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden (2014).
  • Examiner of doctoral thesis: Deepshikha: Exploring integration of traditional and digital textiles and experimenting its role for non-verbal communication in the social space of users. IIT Guwahati, India (2019).
  • Pre-examination of doctoral thesis: Yogasara, T. Anticipated User Experience in the Early Stages of Product Development. Queensland University of Technology, Australia (2013).
  • Pre-examination of doctoral thesis: Ervasti, M. Value in Experience – Evaluation Framework based on Case Studies of Novel Mobile Services. Tampere University of Technology, Finland. (2012)
  • Pre-examination of doctoral thesis: Jääskeläinen, A. Integrating User Experience into the Early Phases of Software Development. Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland. (2011)
  • Long Papers Chair for OzCHI’19, Associate Chair for CHI papers 2018, CHI Late-breaking Works 2016, NordiCHI 2012, 2016, 2018, ECIS HCI track 2014, INTERACT 2015, 2017, 2019.
  • Reviewer for
    • Journals: Design Issues, Journal of Design Research, Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS), Interacting with Computers (IwC), Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT), etc.
    • Conferences: CHI, INTERACT, NordiCHI, OzCHI, DIS, Design & Emotion, DPPI, Nordes, etc.

Supervising/Advising theses

  • Supervisor / Advisor of Doctor of Arts theses by Yichen Lu (2018), Markus Joutsela (in progress), Pinar Simsek (in progress), Aarne Leinonen (in progress), Constantinos Miltiades (in progress).
  • Supervision of Master of Arts theses by Vladimir Abramov (2012), Yongsun Bae (2012), Daoxiang Zhang (2013), Iris Tomaszewski (2013), Chien-Ting Hsu (2014), Erdem Tutal (2015), Lassi Leino (2015), Dongjin Baeyon (2015), Samuli Räisänen (2015), Elina Hilden (2015), Netta Korhonen (2015), Jaeyong Lee (2016), Arto Kuusisto (2016), Jenni Huttunen (2017), Juha Johansson (2017), Janne Palovuori (2017), Sangwon Jung (2017), Siiri Sarkola (2018), Maria Huusko (2018), Niko Rantanen (2018), Thomas Wahl (2019), Mengxiao Li (2019), Soyeon Park (2019), Esteban Solis (ongoing), Lin Hou (ongoing), Paula Saratlieva (ongoing).


  • Experience-Driven Design (10 ECTS). Masters’ level course at Aalto ARTS, Department of Design, in collaboration with UXUS & Design for Value research programmes. Spring 2012, Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2018.
  • USchool Intro (2 ETCS). Introductory course for the Masters’ level minor, USchool. Students from Aalto ARTS, Aalto SCI, and University of Helsinki, Cognitive Science. 2017, 2018, 2019.
  • Experimental Interaction Design (4 ECTS). Nordic course in collaboration with Tallinn University, Aalborg University, Reykjavik University, and Aalto University, funded by NordPlus. Tallinn 2017, Reykjavik 2018, Helsinki 2019.
  • Smart Port 2025. Service design course in collaboration with National University of Singapore. Singapore 2018.


  • US9071870: System and method for viewing digital visual content on a device
  • US7516402: Presentation of Large Objects on Small Displays
  • US7716580: Shortening Web Page Titles
  • US8583090: Transferring task completion to another device
  • US9785329: Pocket computer and associated methods
  • KR100795590: Method of navigating in application views, electronic device, graphical user interface and computer program product
  • 9 patents pending


  • SIGCHI Finland chair 2011, vice-chair 2012-2013
  • SIGCHI Finland board member 2009-2015
  • Gardening
  • Misc. gymnastic exercises, also some yoga

I’m happily married since 1997. We have two lovely daughters, born 1998 and 2000.


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