Open call for student-driven experience initiative

Are you an Aalto student who has an idea for providing meaningful experiences or spreading the good mood around? Aalto Experience Platform can support you to realize the idea by offering a budget for expenses.

We offer funding up to 5000€ for great ideas that fulfill the following criteria:

        • multidisciplinary: focus beyond one discipline
        • non-commercial: the outcome must be freely accessible by the audience
        • open: others should be able to utilize the possibly collected data and further develop the idea
        • feasibility: the project and budget needs to be feasible
        • the project must finish by the end of 2020, preferably well before

We support research projects, events, exhibitions, interventions… you name it. 

To apply for the support, please fill in the form by one of the following dates: 1.5.2020, 24.7.2020, or 4.9.2020. Applications are evaluated by the given criteria in Experience Platform board meeting after the deadline. The decision comes about 3 weeks after the submission deadline.

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