Through human experiences

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have a project in mind.

Experiences extend to all areas of human life and make life meaningful. In a post-materialistic world, consumers and businesses invest in experiences that enhance subjective pleasure and well-being rather than in material possessions.

Aalto Experience Platform is an open community for experience research, which fosters and promotes research that combines scientific, artistic, technological, and business angles on human experiences. All Aalto schools share the need for understanding, measuring, and designing for experiences, and the platform helps to distribute this knowledge. In a welfare society, understanding human experiences and expertise in designing for experiences is increasingly important.

Our mission is to make Aalto a world leader in multi-disciplinary experience research, measured by relevant international indicators and societal impact.

Experience Platform covers all research areas interested in human experiences inside Aalto, and enhances a multi-disciplinary approach to experience research.

The Experience Platform has an Academic Board, consisting of professor members and deputies from all Aalto Schools. They act as platform contact persons in their schools and help in distributing the knowledge.


Virpi Roto (Chair)
Department of Design
Andrés Lucero
Department of Design


Katja Hölttä-Otto
Design Factory
Pentti Kujala
Department of Mechanical Engineering



Eric Arnould
Department of Marketing
Virpi Tuunainen
Department of Information and Service Economy


Johanna Moisander
Department of Management
Matti Rossi
Department of Information and Service Economy


Jouni Paltakari
Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems
Lauri Rautkari
Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems


Antti Oulasvirta
Department of Communications and Networking
Yu Xiao
Department of Communications and Networking


Sofia Pantouvaki
Department of Film, Television and Scenography
Pia Fricker
Department of Architecture
Antti Salovaara
Department of Design



Perttu Hämäläinen
Department of Computer Science & Department of Media
Elisa Mekler
Department of Computer Science


Mikko Sams
Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, Brain and Mind Laboratory
Synnöve Carlson
Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering


Markus Ahola
Aalto Research Services
Department of Design


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