Brand Experience through New Media


THU 15.3.2018
14 – 17:00


A Grid, Otakaari 5a, Espoo

Welcome to Aalto University Experience Platform’s event on new brand experiences. YouTube and other digital platforms have changed both how we interact with brands and what is considered as a desirable career path. Changing business logics push companies to create meaningful connections with their customers, while globally there is a growing number of people who want to become generational influencers through such platforms as YouTube.

But what does this all mean for brand owners and organizations? Why should you care about the rising importance of YouTube? Welcome to our event to find out more!


Welcoming words


Crystal Abidin, Cultures of Internet Celebrity On Youtube (Postdoctoral Fellow, Jönköping University)
Stina Varsikko, Trust in a videocentric social media – why YouTubers are getting it  and brands are not (Head of Splay Finland)
Tanja Sihvonen (Professor, University of Vaasa) and Miikka J. Lehtonen (Visiting Assistant Professor, Aalto University)
Brand Fluidity: Exploring the changing media landscap

Q&A, panel discussion before cozy networking and some sparkling

Event recording available at Aalto’s Toutube channel!

Cultures of Internet Celebrity On Youtube – Crystal Abidin

Trust in a videocentric social media – why YouTubers are getting it  and brands are not – Stina Varsikko

Brand Experience through New Media: Youtube influencers and social media celebrities – panel discussion

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