Thu 24th October, 2019,
13:00 – 19:00
Espoo City Theatre, Revontulentie 8, 02100 Espoo
Welcome to Aalto Experience Platform’s event Experience Space! Inner and outer space has a great effect on human experiences and is studied across the disciplines from architecture and design to service business and psychology. The Experience Space! – event introduces a variety of research and commercial viewpoints on space from Aalto University and partners. Welcome to the theatre environment to experience the broad spectrum of multidisciplinary space research with international keynotes. The event includes networking opportunities between academia and industry, as well as between different disciplines.
This free-of-charge networking event is open for everybody and organized in collaboration with Aalto Experience Platform and The International Theatre of Finland.
Registration is closed. Contact experience@aalto.fi for further information.
Find event program and detailed speaker introductions from Facebook
Linda Henriksson, University Lecturer, Aalto: Perception of Space
Laura Arpiainen, Professor in Health and Wellbeing Architecture, Aalto: Enhancing spatial experiences through the senses – design for end of life care
M Wingren, Artist, Aalto: Everything is an instrument
Jennifer Lipkin, Artist and Designer, Studio Parfum: Staging atmosphere with olfactive experiences
Erik Söderblom, Opera and Theatre Director, Professor of Acting, Artistic Director, Espoo City Theatre: Outer space/Inner space – living in a double world
Ilkka Salminen, Architect, Verstas Architects: Places for interaction
Susanna Kalkkinen, CEO, Architect Group Reino Koivula: User experience driven design of the new children’s hospital (dialogue with Pekka)
Pekka Lahdenne, Head of Digital and Innovation Services, Helsinki University Hospital, Children’s Hospital: User experience driven design of the new children’s hospital (Dialogue with Susanna)
Pia Fricker, Professor in Computational Methodologies in Landscape Architecture and Urbanism: The City of More – Computational Design Methods for Responsive Urban Land-Scapes
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