Experience clip


When collecting data about user experience evoked by mobile acpplications, one user uses the mobile application to be evaluated, and another uses a mobile phone to shoot clips about usage and expressions of experiences. The two users know each others, and interact in natural situations and environment without presence of researcher. The method takes use of the social interaction between the user and someone the user knows well.


Two users who know each others, preferrable very well. Usage situation as “natural” as possible, natural interaction and context. Users are instructed to shoot as many clips as possible, and discuss and elaborate on usage and their experiences.


Allows natural context, takes use of social interaction between users, does not need special equipment


Time consuming analysis of video material, quality of video often rather low, depends very much on users how rich the material is (how many clips, how verbose the user is….)

References describing the method

Isomursu, M., Kuutti, K., and Vainamo, S. 2004. Experience clip: method for user participation and evaluation of mobile concepts. In Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Participatory Design: Artful integration: interweaving Media, Materials and Practices – Volume 1 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 27 – 31, 2004). PDC 04. ACM, New York, NY, 83-92. DOI= http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1011870.1011881


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