Experience research: Creating Experiences Through Cognitive Assistance Systems

Xiao Yu is an Assistant Professor in Networking Technology at the Department of Communications and Networking and a member of our academic board. Her research group at Aalto School of Electrical Engineering (ELEC) has been working with wearable cognitive assistance systems using AR/VR, AI, computer vision, textile design and wireless network technologies.

Technicians’ Experience of their Work and Post-Stroke Rehabilitation

One example of a project she has been working on is an AR-based assembly and maintenance assistance system for technicians. This basically means that a technician performing their daily work could use smart glasses displaying instructions and information, while repairing machines and engaging in hands-on technical work. The application can for example recognize the work stages, detect errors and give detailed instructions regarding the work. This kind of technology could potentially have significant impact on the efficiency of the work, as well as on the employee experience while conducting the work. This work is part of the CEAMA project at Aalto University and funded by Business Finland. 

Multidisciplinary Collaboration with Textile Design and AI-Driven Interaction Design

Another project she has worked on has focused on eTextile-based wearable devices, such as gloves that can support gesture-based interaction with AR/VR. One of the prototypes under development in this project is a digital glove, which can be used in hand exercises during early-phase post-stroke rehabilitation. The gloves use AI algorithms to recognize the user gestures. This kind of technology has a more concrete impact on human experience: it can help the people to gain their bodily functions after a stroke and increase their experience and quality of life. This work is partially funded by the DEBARE project, which has received funding from the EU ATTRACT program. 

User experiences in the focus

User-centred design principles are in the center of Xiao Yu’s work, and both of these projects have aimed to solve challenges through applying user-centred design approach within different domains. The projects have contained interdisciplinary experience research, which has required expertise from UX design, textile design, electronic engineering and computer science.

Currently, Xiao is collaborating with Professor Kirsi Niinimäki from the Fashion and Textile Futures group at the Department of Design to develop the eTextile-based smart gloves. She also co-supervises a doctoral student working on AI-driven interaction design for AR/VR with Professor Lily Diaz-Kommonen from the Department of Media. Other collaboration partners are Professor Atte Oksanen from the Faculty of Social Science at the University of Tampere in the domain of AR-related studies. For example, they ran together a user study on AR gaming at Heureka last year. A video of the Heureka study can be found at the end of this article. 

Aalto Experience Platform has participated in this research project through introducing the researchers to collaboration partners, such as the Textile Futures Group and Heureka. 

A video of the Heureka study can be watched at http://mobilecloud.aalto.fi/?page_id=9 

Read more about the projects at the research group webpage: http://mobilecloud.aalto.fi

More information about the CEAMA project: ceama.aalto.fi

More information about DEBARE: https://attract-eu.com/selected-projects/deep-learning-based-activity-recognition-on-the-edge-debare/Find more experience research projects at Aalto Experience Platform

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