Nordcode 2019 seminar

27-29 November 2019

Aalto University @ Espoo, Finland

The purpose of Nordcode seminars is to stimulate scholarly discussion on design and act as a platform to support the design research community by encouraging established and, in particular, emerging researchers in the field to present their ideas and studies for a friendly scholar and practitioner community.

Due to the open-ended nature of Nordcode, we do not have any strict questions to guide potential papers. Alongside with design research and design management topics, including the “traditional” Nordcode sphere of communicative design, the special focus of the seminar will be on the wide spectrum of creative and cultural industries, entertainment business, performance and experience design. We would like to explore a multifaceted array of viewpoints into designing and managing the meaningful experience in a cross-disciplinary setting, also taking the new digital and social platforms into account, reflecting the required future design profiles and competences for future. The seminar will function as a platform for creative openings and surprising ideas. “Performance” and “Stage” in the seminar title are not only referring to the activity and material space where the experiences occur, but also work as metaphors for the different contexts of designing experiences and constructing a meaningful context supporting them – business, technology, design.

Papers may present theoretical or empirical research contributions, conceptual studies, work-in-progress reports, or initial ideas, as we believe in the value of discussion and co-development of early proposals. Creative try-outs and brave openings are especially encouraged as well as more practically oriented case studies on aforementioned fields. Moreover, we are looking for compelling stories that showcase what academics can learn from practitioners, and how we can extend the cross-disciplinary ethos of Nordcode to cover both academics and practitioners.



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