Summary Very easy to use technique to rank order stimuli (products) with respect to some quality (e.g. enjoyment); also easy to do for children; goes back to early (1920’s) test ...
Summary Participants see or try out a design and then select a famous person or film that best describes the design. E.g. Sylvester Stallone or Fatal Attraction. Alternatively, participants may ...
Summary The MAX is a post-use method for evaluating the general experience through cards with an avatar and a board. MAX can be applied after the use of mockups, prototypes, ...
Summary The investigator herself uses the system in real contexts and evaluates it. So, the investigator is the only “participant” in the field study. Strengths No need to recruit participants.A ...
Summary (From the ENGAGE Web site description:) I.D. Tool identifies the physical design attributes that a product has in order to evoke the desired experience by the target customers. This ...
Summary It is a scenario based usability inspection method, aiming to identify usability-problems, possible design improvements and successful/good design solutions in a given user interface. The evaluations are conducted as ...
Summary Etnographic test for evaluating user’s perception of a design Description Show a design or a prototype to gain perceptions of people. Ask about other products that they use or ...
Summary Emotional responses elicited by consumer products are difficult to verbalize because their nature is subtle (low intensity) and often miemotional response at the same time). As a result, these ...
Summary Emocards provide a non-verbal method for users to self-report their emotions. Flash cards or single sheet of a paper. Description At the end of every task / time duration, ...