Fun Toolkit


Fun Toolkit comprised four special tools, a Smileyometer, a Funometer, an Again – Again Table, and a Fun Sorter and also supported the idea of measuring remembrance and of using video footage to score engagement. Method to measure fun with 5 to 10 years old children. Fun Toolkit consits of several tools, which measure the three fun dimensions expectations, engagement, and endurability.


detailed description for each tool in the Fun Toolkit to be find in J. C. Read and S. MacFarlane. Using the fun toolkit and other survey methods to gather opinions in child computer interaction. In Proc. IDC ’06, pages 81{88,2006.


method is specifically designed for children, based on their needs and skills in order to collect feedback on their experiences (fun) with interactive systems


more general approach to address children as evaluator, method to build relationship to children. Limited data.

References describing the method

J. C. Read and S. MacFarlane. Using the fun toolkit and other survey methods to gather opinions in child computer interaction. In Proc. IDC ’06, pages 81{88,2006.


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