
Self-report measurement of the emotion expressed by a stimulus. 2DES is a computer program which is used to collect continuous ratings provided by the study participants. 


Participants report their emotion by moving the mouse in a space defined by the two bipolar dimensions valence and arousal. Both dimensions are labelled by little pictograms representing a human face (smiling of frowning for valence, with eyes and mouth wide open or closed for arousal).


Particularly useful to study affective evaluation of product sounds


A high fidelity prototype must be available

References describing the method

ENGAGE web site. Schubert, E. (1999). Measuring emotion continuously: Validity and reliability of the two-dimensional emotion-space. Australian Journal of Psychology, 51(3), 154-165.
Schubert, E. (2001). Continuous Measurement of Self-Report Emotional Response to Music. In P. Juslin and J. Sloboda (Eds.), Music and Emotion: Theory and Research. (pp. 393-414) Oxford University Press


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