Summary Emotion Sampling Device is a series of questions yielding to the emotion the user is experiencing as the result of an event. It is based on Cognitive Appraisal Theory ...
Summary Provide a way for users to quickly document emotions at a specific moment Description Cards are produced (physically or digitally (web or a mobile application)) with either preset emotions ...
Summary Emotional responses elicited by consumer products are difficult to verbalize because their nature is subtle (low intensity) and often miemotional response at the same time). As a result, these ...
Summary Emocards provide a non-verbal method for users to self-report their emotions. Flash cards or single sheet of a paper. Description At the end of every task / time duration, ...
Summary Assess the user’s feelings about the system with a questionnaire. In AttrakDiff questionnaire, both hedonic and pragmatic dimensions of UX are studied with semantic differentials. Description Questionnaires can be ...
Summary Developed by Lavie and Tractinsky; aesthetic quality in particular of websites. They conducted four studies in order to develop a measurement instrument of perceived web site aesthetics. Using exploratory ...
Summary Questionnaire for evaluating UX of mobile news journalism systes. Based on AttrakDiff but elaborated for the context. Description Attrak-work questionnaire can be filled in right after the participant has ...
Summary Affect Grid is a scale designed as a quick means of assessing affect along the dimensions of pleasure-displeasure and arousal-sleepiness. Description The participant marks their current emotional state on ...