

iScale is a survey tool for the retrospective elicitation of longitudinal user experience data.


The participant draws one or more curves to describe how the experience about a product has changed over time. The curve drawing area is formed of a timeline and a horizontal line that divides positive and negative experiences. UX Curve, described elsewhere in this methods set, is a similar pen-and-paper method.


Helps to reveal the most impactful experiences over time


Counting on memories rather than reality

References describing the method

Karapanos, E., Martens, J.-B., Hassenzahl, M. (2009) Reconstructing Experiences through Sketching. CoRR abs/0912.5343. (Submitted to ACM TOCHI)

References about quality of the method

Karapanos, E., Martens, J.-B., Hassenzahl, M. (2010) On the Retrospective Assessment of Users’ Experiences Over Time: Memory or Actuality?. CHI’10 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. Atlanta, ACM Press.


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